
Kenton Nelson, American Painter

An inside look at artist Kenton Nelson's studio in California, and his process, inspiration, and lifestyle.

Film by Erwin Darmali,

WATER - The visual story of Kenton Nelson

by Erwin Darmali


A biographical story of artist Kenton Nelson’s life struggles depicted using many of his iconic images.

From starting over and learning to paint at the age of 40, redefining himself, ending with the achievement of a lifetime for an artist. Check out this real life story about persistence and the value of doing work.

Film by Erwin Darmali,

Kenton Nelson, WATER Exhibition

Short film showing the opening of Kenton Nelson's "Water" Exhibition at Peter Mendenhall Gallery in Pasadena, September 28-29, 2018

Film by Erwin Darmali,


A great vision is only as good as the ability to translate it.

This short film is based on the constant pursuit of perfection of one's craft, which can be seen not only in the final product of the art itself, but also in the little details of the process.

By Erwin Darmali,

Stage & Cinema, Mosaic creation

Short film showing the process of creation for artist Kenton Nelson's mosaic mural, Stage & Cinema, a public art project installed in 2016 in the Playhouse Village district of Pasadena, California. The mosaic is located in the Andalucia complex directly north of Vroman's bookstore (established 1894). The mosaic mural and accompanying kiosk of artists' names honors the stars and talent of the Pasadena Playhouse Village.

Film by Erwin Darmali,